The Magic of Management in Dog Training

You’ll get a new perspective on using management to help dogs (and their guardians) with these inspiring posts from the Academy’s March is Management Month.

Can Dogs Really Play Pretend with Life-sized Dolls?

It’s been asserted that using a realistic stuffed dog (a “fugazi”) provides developmental benefits to young puppies as well as social and mental benefits to adult dogs, thanks to dogs’ presumed ability to pretend these toys are real. I worry these unsubstantiated claims might do more harm than good.

A Letter of Resignation

I am disappointed to announce my resignation from this field. After years of education, hard work and dedication, I have to finally admit that I am just not up to snuff. This profession is truly a gift, and I was approaching it all wrong. I am constantly gratified by the innate savagery of a dog, […]

Puppy Priorities: What Really Matters in the First Few Weeks

Puppies are a regular part of my job as a dog trainer, and whenever I talk with a new puppy parent, I ask what their specific goals are. More often than not, they reply, “Oh you know, the basics: sit, down, stay, come.” While I do love an enthusiastic client wanting to address manners and […]

A Good Trade: Online Coaching for Food and Object Guarding

The look of astonishment on my client’s face wasn’t unusual. Her dog had a history of growling, snarling and biting if anyone came near when he was chewing his favorite bone. And she had in fact just walked up to him while he was chewing on this coveted bone. But guess what? When she approached, […]

Nation Pet Dental Health Month

Wait, there’s a National Pet Dental Health Month? Let’s face it, there’s a month for everything. But this one is near and dear to my heart. You see, as a general practice veterinarian, the vast majority of my patients have some level of periodontal disease. That is, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats by […]

Online training is good for science-based, humane training

With the rise in COVID-19 numbers, more and more training is moving online. I personally do outdoor training using social distancing and masks, but as the winter months approach and the possibility of another lockdown looms, I am moving more consultations online too. Even those people who have been resistant to online training are now […]

Strut your Stuff: How to Walk your Puppy

It’s not uncommon for pet parents to think of leash walks as the go-to for physical exercise. You get a puppy, you walk him, right? It’s a no brainer. While I am in no way discrediting the value of a leash walk, because gosh, they pack a lot of value, it’s how we are performing […]

Naughtiness in Dogs: Why They Do It & Why We Love It

Why does my dog… [insert naughty behavior here]? Trainers get asked this question all the time. I sometimes ruminate on this question, mostly as an indulgence. At the end of the day, why dogs do certain things is at best a guess. As trainers, we typically track their behavior—what they actually do—to see whether it’s […]

Nature Wins: Competence and Complexity in Behavior Modification

It’s time to stop blaming competent practitioners. The other day I read about a woman using bloodroot salve to try to heal suspected cancer on her nose.  Her face sloughed off.  Bloodroot, a plant native to North America, is touted for its medicinal properties, but research dating as far back as 1880 has found no […]