I provide online training to help you bring out the best in your dog for a happier life together. You love your dog and want the best life for them. Are you looking to have fun with your dog and teach them new skills or tricks? Are you welcoming a dog or puppy into your life? Or are you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or uncertain about how to help your dog? My Fantastic Friend will help you and your dog live together more harmoniously using proven methods that are patient, kind and supportive to dogs and humans. You’ll gain confidence in your ability to help your dog thrive. Offerings include private and group classes for puppies, basic skills and tricks, as well as consultations and packages for behavior problems and separation anxiety. Book a class or consultation to get started!
- Fear & Aggression
- Group Classes
- Manners Training
- Online Training
- Private Training
- Puppy Training
- Separation Anxiety